Volumen 6, Asunto 4 (2020)

Artículo de investigación

Serum total testosterone measurement using Point of Care Test (POCT) i-CHROMA™ Testosterone method in healthy male volunteers

  • J Bolodeoku*, S Pinkney, V Chand, C Anyaeche, TK Kim and F Chinegwundoh

Reporte de un caso

Treatment of Scar Pregnancy by a Combined Medical and Non-Invasive Surgical Approach: A Case Report and Literature Review

  • Tibaldi V, Musella A*, Bracchi C, Santangelo G, D’Aniello D, Palaia I, Di Donato V, Giannini A, Pastore G, Colagiovanni V, Benedetti PP and Monti M

Artículo de investigación

A Prospective Observational Study on Understanding and Awareness in Pregnant women with Comorbid conditions in a Tertiary Care Teaching Hospital

  • Swetha Bejugam*, Prashanth Boya, Thutupalli Seetha Maha Lakshmi, and Bheema Sai Suyagna

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Universidad Hamdard
Fundación de Ginebra para la educación e investigación médicas

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