
An introduction to polynomials

Karrie Williams

There are many exciting issues to investigate when it comes to coloring the nodes of a graph under specific restrictions, which provide a fast review of the principles of this aspect of graph theory. The coloring of a graph is accomplished by assigning one of several colors to each node in the graph. In more formal terms, it's a translation of the nodes into (or onto) a set s C. (the set of colors). For the time being, we'll ignore the dispute over whether the mappings should be into either onto or onto. The restriction that adjacent nodes are not assigned (i.e. mapped onto) the same cooler (element) of C is satisfied by an appropriate graph coloring. Inappropriate coloring is defined as any coloring that does not match certain standards. These are the prerequisites; however, because we will nearly always be dealing with proper colorings, we should delete the word "proper" and agree that when we say "colorings" of a graph, we mean "proper colorings" unless otherwise stated.