

Anuradha S Deshpande

Modern technology practices green technology concept in respect of power generation and supply. Importance of utilization of non-conventional methods of generation & battery (Fuel Cell) as power plant are need of the hour. Paper has made an attempt for utility & SOFC integration using DC/AC conversion technology. Use of solid oxide fuel cell is demonstrated for supplying utility modeled as Infinite Bus through DC/AC conversion. Mat lab simulation for SOFC & utility interface was done to establish parameters of SOFC and Infinite bus with respect to dc voltage & current, Active & reactive power of fuel cell & infinite bus, terminal voltage of fuel cell & Infinite bus, three phase voltage of FC & IB and three phase current of IB. Simulation results suggest 1pu Vt at FC & IB & adequate power at utility. A comparative with SOFC replacing battery was also done. Batteries resembling power plant size were integrated with IB as utility. Mat lab simulation results were identical and at times better (Vt, Vabc, Iabc), in direct comparison with SOFC. Thus proposed work has successfully established utility interface with SOFC & batteries for isolated consumers or isolated installations. Application of SOFC and utility interface can be utilized as distributed generation source in a micro grid for isolated operation during islanding.

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