
The importance of nurturing resilience in our health

Begona Prieto Manes

Building resilience, the capacity to prepare for, recover and adapt in the face of stress, challenge or adversity reduces the probability of developing psychiatric disorders such as post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), major depressive disorder (MDD) and anxiety disorders, which are among the main causes of disease and disability worldwide. This means that more than half of the financial health load comes from dealing with brain and psychiatric disorders. According to numerous published research, there are five basic psychosocial factors associated with stress resilience: positive emotions and optimism (lower levels of negative emotions and higher levels of responsiveness in a positive direction before stressor exposure), cognitive flexibility (acceptance and mindfulness), religion and spirituality, life purpose or meaning, social support and active coping style. So resilience is a holistic complex system where mental, physical, emotional, spiritual and lifestyle domains are involved. Each one of these domains influence each other and the balance between risk and resilience to stress. It is not just the stressful events that determine your stress response, but rather the many events of daily life that create physiological systems that cause sleep deprivation, overeating and other dysfunctional behaviors. Biopsychosocial studies evidence that promoting resilience helps protect against the destructive consequences of stressors and immunity. The inverse is also true as there is evidence that immune processes influence resilience. Therefore, the importance of raising awareness in building and sustaining resilience in society.

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