
Secured Routing For Manet Using Friend Based Adhoc Routing (FAR)

Ms.K.Deepa, Mrs.V.Durgadevi

One of the major problems in mobile adhoc network is to isolate the malicious node in the network. Because of the dynamic nature of MANETs, they are typically not very secure, so it is important to design a secure routing protocol over a MANET. Friend based adhoc routing using challenges to isolate the malicious node. Even though the sequential challenge was used in Friend Based Adhoc routing it is not secure. The drawback of an existing system is security cannot be provided at the MAC layer level and keys used to exchange information will be known to the attacker when he listens to the traffic. In the proposed system, before sending the data the trust value of each neighboring node is calculated by using control packet forwarding. After finding the trusted path the data will be sent to destination. Route selection is done using the trustworthiness and performance requirement of each route which is calculated based on both link capacity and traffic requirement to achieve QoS. The network performance will be greatly increased when the trust value of each node is calculated before sending the data.

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