
Preserving Privacy using Secret Sharing in Distributed Environment on Perturbed Data

Sagar S. Phake, Vikrant S. Moon, Avinash A. Waghmare, Gaurav B. Ijare

With the rapid growth in networking technology, hardware and software there is large amount of data collection. Organizations take large volumes of data from heterogeneous databases. This data is huge and contains sensitive data. Organizations data contains private information. The data mining takes patterns from sensitive data used for decision making. There may be chance of misusing information without knowledge of actual data owner. Privacy preserving with secret sharing (PPSS) technique gives new direction to solve this problem. PPSS maintains privacy for data. Secret sharing takes keys for providing privacy to individual data. After the modification data is done in such a way that original data remains private even after secret sharing process. In this paper we have proposed a framework that allows simple transformation of original data using encryption and secret sharing technique and providing security for keys used for encryption by secret sharing while transformation of data. Proposed technique increased the security and maintaining privacy for data as well as key. Using this approach we can achieve more confidentiality at client as well as data owner sites in distributed environment

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