
Nursing Care Actions to Prevent and Control the Zika Virus: A Review

Cheila Maria Lins Bentes, Marcos do Nascimento Bentes, Kátia Cilene Godinho Bertoncello, Selma Regina de Andrade, Vera Lucia de Azevedo Lima and Maria de Lourdes de Souza*

Introduction: The infection caused by Zika virus has had worldwide repercussion, as it has been associated with congenital syndromes in children, especially microcephaly, with an impact on public health.

Objective: To identify in the literature care actions provided by nurses to families and pregnant women to prevent and control the infection.

Method: Review study with data collected from seven databases using descriptors and Boolean operators to identify papers.

Results: The titles, abstracts and key words of 2,628 papers were read and the full texts of 39 were selected. Two papers were excluded after reading the full texts because they did not address the objective proposed here, in that they exclusively addressed the care provided to children. Another 29 papers under the original protocols and protocol update modalities were excluded. Thus, a total of eight papers remained and composed the corpus of this review.

Conclusion: The papers do not report specific actions of nurses, but emphasize pregnancy planning; development of knowledge concerning the disease and vaccine; the delivery of health care and social support to the families with children presenting permanent special needs accruing from the Zika virus disease; and the report of suspected and confirmed cases.