
Multi Keyword Web Crawling Using Ontology In Web Forums


Internet forums are important services where users can request and exchange information with others. The main goal of FoCUS is to crawl relevant forum content from the web with minimal overhead. Forum threads contain information content that is the target of forum crawlers. It always has implicit navigation paths to lead users from entry pages to thread pages. Web crawlers following the hyperlinks in Web pages to automatically download a partial snapshot of the Web. Based on this observation, reduce the web forum crawling problem to a URL-type recognition problem. And it identifies the Page flipping URLs, Thread URLs and Index URLs. In this work, proposes a web crawling based mechanism support multiple keywords .It is possible to measure the performance of a search by understand user interest and information relevant The vast collection of computer networks which form and act as a single huge network for transport of data and messages across distances over the internet. Internet forums are important services where users can request and exchange information with others. The main goal of FoCUS is to crawl relevant forum content from the web with minimal overhead. Forum threads contain information content that is the target of forum crawlers. It always has implicit navigation paths to lead users from entry pages to thread pages. Web crawlers following the hyperlinks in Web pages to automatically download a partial snapshot of the Web. Based on this observation, reduce the web forum crawling problem to a URL-type recognition problem. And it identifies the Page flipping URLs, Thread URLs and Index URLs. In this work, proposes a web crawling based mechanism support multiple keywords using ontology .It is possible to measure the performance of a search by understand user interest and information relevant The vast collection of computer networks which form and act as a single huge network for transport of data and messages across distances over the internet.

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