
Cluster Head with Multiple Base Stations Can Lead To Extended Lifetime of WSN

R.Buvana , Dr.R.Kalai Magal

Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN) are networks of typically small, battery-powered, wireless devices, equipped with on-board processing, communication, and sensing capabilities. Specifically wireless sensor network suffers from excessive packet loss, mixed hearing, retransmission of the packets due to node mobility and constant energy debauchery. A current technique for routing and data transmission does not take into account of optimizing the transmission through Energy Balancing. There are several power and energy aware algorithms that claim to compensate for the energy losses. The main fundamental of most of the techniques is to route the packets through the highest energy nodes which lead to quick battery drainage of those node. Therefore the network lifetime decreases. In this paper we have proposed a unique protocol for Network lifetime extended by modifying the Leach protocol. The fundamental of the protocol is to develop a cluster based routing where cluster heads should be selected based on maximum coverage and should have sufficient energy to prolong the communication. Clusters are automatically formed and changed with transmission. Evaluation and Result show that the proposed system achieves high data delivery with extended lifetime.

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